The HS-BCP certification is valid for five years as long as you comply with CCE policies and procedures. HS-BCP certificants who wish to retain their certification must pay annual maintenance fees and recertify at the end of five years. HS-BCPs must complete 60 clock hours of relevant continuing education (CE) during each five-year certification cycle, including a minimum of six hours specific to ethics. These hours must be documented by certificates or letters of attendance or completion, transcripts, or grade reports, and must be completed during the five-year certification period. (Registration forms or cancelled checks are not acceptable proof of attendance or completion.)
HS-BCPs must retain documents for five years following recertification. Documents should NOT be sent to CCE unless you are notified by mail that you have been selected for audit. If you are selected for audit, CCE will review your continuing education documentation for acceptability. In addition, HS-BCPs must follow the Code of Ethics and pay the $40 annual maintenance fee.
An HS-BCP can earn a maximum of 18 continuing education clock hours in each five-year cycle for teaching or developing courses related to human services. Educators can earn a maximum of six clock hours per course. For instance, an educator who teaches several sections of the same course can earn up to six clock hours.
There is a limit of 15 clock hour for leadership activities in each five-year cycle. The following leadership positions are acceptable for recertification credit: Officers of regional or national human services organization; editor of professional human services journals; member of state human services certification board; member of a national human services certification board; member of a national ethics disciplinary review committee rendering certification or professional membership; active member of a human services committee producing a substantial written product; chair of a major human services conference or convention; other leadership positions with justifiable professional learning experiences. The leadership positions must take place for a minimum of one year after the date of first certification. When recording clock hours for leadership activities, list the name of the organization and the position held. A letter from the organization with the dates and type of service is required for documentation. In addition to the leadership recertification credit, individuals who are trained by the Council for Standards in Human Service Education and serve as readers for self-studies will be able to count 15 clock hours toward recertification.
There are two aspects of credential maintenance, renewal and recertification. These are different but related processes. An HS-BCP renews certification by submitting the annual fee. Recertification is necessary every five years and requires completion of 60 clock hours of relevant continuing education, including at least six hours in ethics.
Failure to complete recertification processes will negatively impact a certificant’s status. If an HS-BCP does not submit the requested documentation and payment by their expiration date, their certification will expire. To reinstate an expired HS-BCP requires a completed reinstatement application, $50 reinstatement fee, payment of any past-due balance and documentation of 60 continuing education clock hours.
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